Cookie details

At Practipage, we use cookies to make our websites easier to use and to help you tailor content. This policy aims to inform you about what cookies are; what the cookies we use are for and to provide you with options on how to manage or delete them.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file sent from our web server and placed on your computer (laptop, mobile device, etc.) when you browse the Practipage website. They contain only a modest amount of data and enable the web server to recognize your computer’s browser and respond accordingly.

More information on cookies can be found at and

We use cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”) on for identification, analysis and advertising purposes. By using our sites, you consent to the storage and access of cookies on your device.

This cookie policy should also be read in conjunction with our privacy policy and terms and conditions.

Cookies are very small text documents or pieces of software code, which often include an anonymous unique identifier. When you visit a website or use a mobile application, a computer asks your PC or mobile device for permission to store this file on your computer or mobile device and access the information it contains. Information collected via cookies includes the date and time of visits and how you use the website or mobile application.

Cookies are used by us and our third-party partners in connection with our sites. Details of the cookies used on our sites and any applicable third-party partners are set out in the table below.

For more details on cookies, please visit

Our use of cookies generally requires your consent

When you first access our sites, you will be asked to consent to our use of the cookies described in this cookie policy.

Our sites also use cookies for which we do not require your consent. This cookie policy refers to these cookies as “strictly necessary cookies” and without them, the services you have requested cannot be provided.

Blocking cookies

You can consent to or block the use of specific cookies by activating the relevant settings in your browser or by following the links below.

For more information on managing cookies and blocking cookies for a wide variety of browsers, please visit

What happens if you do not accept cookies and/or choose to block cookies you have previously accepted?

In order to use certain parts of our sites, you will need to consent to cookies. If you choose to withhold your consent or subsequently block cookies, some aspects of our Sites may not function properly and you may not be able to access all or part of the Sites.

Which cookies do we use?

The list below provides more information about the different cookies used on our Sites and the purposes for which they are used:

Cookie AJAXA

We use this cookie to determine whether or not your web browser supports some of the features that make our checkout process faster and easier to complete.

Type : Strictly necessary 


This is an A/B testing tool that allows us to offer different content to our users. We use the data to identify the best experience for our customers, helping us to improve and optimize our sites for future visitors. All cookie data is anonymous and we will never share it with third parties.

Type : Test

Google Analytics _utma _utmz

These cookies help us make the most of the money we spend on advertising. Google Analytics uses these cookies to find out when you first visited our site, how often you return and how long you spend shopping. The information stored by these cookies can only be seen by the relevant Packt and Google teams and never shows any confidential information.  

Type : Analysis

DC Storm, Facebook, Pinterest and Google/Double Click

Sometimes we advertise on third-party websites and these beacons are used to help us and our advertisers see which ads you click on and interact with. Each individual advertiser uses its own tracking cookies and the data collected is neither confidential nor interchangeable.

Type: Advertising


SaleCycle is a service that allows us to send you abandoned cart reminder emails if you have entered your email on our website at any point during your shopping journey. This information is then used to inform you of the products you have left behind.

Type: E-mail marketing

We know you enjoy sharing the great content we offer on Please note that social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, may send cookies. We do not control the setting of these third-party cookies, so we suggest you consult the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them. “sharing” tools

We know you like to share the great content we offer on Please note that social networking sites, such as Facebook and Instagram, and Pinterest may send cookies. We do not control the setting of these third-party cookies, so we suggest you consult the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them. Business partners that may set cookies on include:

DC Storm and Google

Sometimes we advertise on third-party websites and DC Storm cookies are used to help us and our advertisers see which ads you click on and interact with. Each individual advertiser uses its own tracking cookies and the data collected is neither confidential nor interchangeable.

We hope this explains things clearly – and please be aware that you can set your browser to reject cookies, or you can delete them yourself if you wish. For full information on how to delete cookies, please visit (this will open in a new window – please note that we cannot be responsible for the content of external websites).

Google AdWords and Google conversion tracking

Our website uses Google AdWords. The provider is Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. AdWords is an online advertising program. As part of the online advertising program, we work with conversion tracking. After a click on an ad placed by Google, a cookie is set for conversion tracking. Cookies are small text files that your web browser stores on your terminal. Google AdWords cookies expire after 30 days and are not used to identify users personally. Thanks to the cookie, Google and we can recognize that you have clicked on an ad and have been redirected to our website. Each Google AdWords client receives a different cookie. Cookies are not traceable on AdWords clients’ websites. Conversion cookies are used to create conversion statistics for AdWords customers who use conversion tracking. AdWords customers learn how many users clicked on their ad and were redirected to pages with a conversion tracking tag. However, AdWords customers do not receive any personally identifiable information. If you don’t want to take part in tracking, you can opt out. In this case, the conversion cookie must be deactivated in the browser’s user settings. This will also prevent inclusion in conversion tracking statistics. The storage of “conversion cookies” is based on (Article 6, paragraph 1, point f) of the RGPD). As the website operator, we have a legitimate interest in analyzing user behavior in order to optimize our website and advertising. Privacy and conditions – Google. With a modern web browser, you can monitor, restrict or deactivate cookie settings. Disabling cookies may result in limited functionality of our website.

Please check back frequently for updates or changes to our privacy and cookie policy.

Heap Analytics

We use Heap Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Heap Inc, 116 Natoma St, San Francisco, CA 94105, United States (“Heap Analytics”), to analyze user behavior on our website, including, for example, what content is clicked on. or what browser is used. Heap Analytics uses cookies to enable this analysis. In addition, cookies are stored on the terminal you use when you access the page. The anonymized information on user behavior generated by cookies is transmitted to a Heap Analytics server in the USA and stored there. Data analysis is based solely on anonymized IP addresses, which are not merged with other Heap Analytics data. By using this website, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data as described here. If you do not agree to the terms set out herein, please do not use this


We require basic personal data (e.g. your name, title, contact number, e-mail address) in order to provide you with our marketing communications, including product updates, articles, newsletters and information about the services we offer. We use MailChimp (owned by Intuit) for this purpose. Intuit’s Privacy Policy describes what personal data it processes and how it uses it. MailChimp processes your data in accordance with its privacy policy. MailChimp is certified under the EU-US Data Protection Shield framework, which is being updated as part of the negotiations between the US and the EU. They store data in the USA. As a result, the personal data you share with us will be transferred to their secure servers in the United States. MailChimp’s Privacy Shield certification enables this transfer in accordance with the RGPD. You can contact MailChimp directly here to request access to any information MailChimp may hold about you. As a customer, your details are stored in the MailChimp system so that we can keep in touch with you.


We use the “Cloudflare” service provided by Cloudflare Inc, 101 Townsend St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (hereinafter referred to as “Cloudflare”). Cloudflare offers a content delivery network with DNS available worldwide. Consequently, the transfer of information between your browser and our website is technically routed via the Cloudflare network. This enables Cloudflare to analyze data transactions between your browser and our website and to act as a filter between our servers and potentially malicious data traffic from the Internet. In this context, Cloudflare may also use cookies or other technologies deployed to recognize Internet users, which will however only be used for the purpose described here. The use of Cloudflare is based on our legitimate interest in providing our website offerings as error-free and secure as possible (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR). For more information on Cloudflare’s security precautions and data privacy policies, please follow this link: .

Google reCAPTCHA

“Google reCAPTCHA” (hereinafter “reCAPTCHA”) is implemented on our website. This service is provided by Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). We use reCHAPTA on our websites to prevent various types of abusive data processing attempts (e.g. phishing). reCHAPTA analyzes various information about the visitor concerned (e.g. IP address, user mouse movements, length of stay on the website). When using reCAPTCHA, data is transferred to Google, which is used to determine whether the visitor is a human being or a robot (spam). Data processing is based on art. 6 para. 1 lit. f RGPD. We have a legitimate interest in protecting our web offerings against abusive automated spying, against spam as well as protecting third parties against such attacks. . You can read the terms of use for Google services and products at .

Business partners who may set cookies on include :

For the EU:

– IAB Europe unsubscribe platform

Google AdWords and Google conversion tracking

Heap analysis



Google reCAPTCHA

